Drop the appeal, SCNG. It’s time to bargain

Journalists in the Southern California News Guild are ready to bargain for a contract that increases wages, protects its workers and provides better benefits.

Since winning our election on June 11, management at the Southern California News Group (SCNG) decided to once again challenge whether we are one newsroom and one union. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) previously ruled in our favor, and we are confident they will again.

Since appealing the NLRB’s decision, management has also ignored our multiple information and bargaining requests.

Dozens of employees - including reporters, page designers, photographers, digital producers, social media producers, copy editors and more - gathered on Zoom this past week to tell SCNG management that we are done waiting. 

Our photos feature timepieces such as watches, alarm clocks, pocket watches, hourglasses, a grandfather clock and a sundial to show solidarity and say, “It’s Time to Bargain.”

Drop the appeal, SCNG. It’s time.


How to support the SCNG Guild walkout


Journalists at 11 Southern California daily newspapers win union election