How to help the SCNG Guild

Donate to our walkout fund

We unionized because we believe in local news. On Dec. 14, 2023, we’re walking out for the same reason. We deserve wages that let us live in the communities we cover. And our communities deserve a healthy local news landscape. Please donate to our walkout fund.

Subscribe to your local paper!

The journalists of the SCNG Guild work every day to share the news that matters to your neighborhood. 

SCNG’s 11 daily newspapers cover communities from all over Southern California, across four counties and in hundreds of cities. You can get our news in print and online. Please consider subscribing so we can continue bringing the news you won’t get anywhere else.

Daily Breeze (Torrance) | Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Rancho Cucamonga) | L.A. Daily News | Orange County Register | Pasadena Star-News | Press-Enterprise (Riverside) | Press-Telegram (Long Beach) | Redlands Daily Facts | San Bernardino Sun | San Gabriel Valley Tribune | Whittier Daily News

Follow us on Twitter!

We’re @SCNGGuild on Twitter. We’ll provide updates on how we’re organizing our newsrooms, as well as share news from around the country about how Alden Global Capital is hurting local newspapers.

And consider following our growing local, the Media Guild of the West! They’re helping hundreds of journalists in Southern California, Arizona and Texas bargain for better pay and working conditions.