Jeong Park: Solidarity from a former SCNG journalist

I loved my job at the Orange County Register. I loved my colleagues, who had taught me so much. I loved my beat, from late nights at council meetings to meeting people doing extraordinary things. I just didn't know how long I could have gone on doing the job I did. I was covering seven, eight cities and unincorporated communities, without any sign that my workload would go down. I went on two years without a hint of a raise, knowing my colleagues were in the same situation for much longer. I support the union at the Southern California News Group because its staff already does so much, and it should not be expected to do even more without getting any additional help. If the company wants to make itself a place where reporters young and old thrive and want to work for, it should give its workers a voice.

Jeong Park, now a reporter at the Sacramento Bee, worked for the Orange County Register/SCNG from 2018 to 2020.


Ryan Hagen: Why we need a union


Emily Rasmussen: Why we need a union