We are the journalists of the Southern California News Group. We love what we do, and we are organizing to ensure that we can continue doing it.

Our mission

Southern California's local newspapers are essential. We document communities large and small, bringing the news to millions of readers. In some of those places, we are the only ones left ensuring someone keeps an eye on the institutions and trends that affect people's daily lives.

As the workers of the Southern California News Group, we represent journalists spread across four counties, covering the news under one unified banner. We love what we do, and we are organizing to ensure that we can continue doing it.

Readers need the services we provide more than ever. Our online traffic is surging, and our digital subscriptions are up. The public is clamoring for information that can help them and their families stay healthy and safe.

Through the work we've done in our communities, we believe we have earned a seat at the table. Our owners have repeatedly demonstrated they don’t think our voices matter.

Media News Group and Alden Global Capital have cut our newsrooms to the bone. Layoffs and turnover have devastated our workforce. We face historic staffing shortages, and the exodus of journalists with decades of experience has hollowed out our newspapers. These cuts leave us less able to provide the quality product we owe our readers.

Our goal, on the other hand, is to continue serving our communities. We want to stave off further losses while providing a framework for allowing our newspapers to thrive. And we want to build newsrooms with diverse voices reflecting the communities we cover.

Some of our newspapers have been around more than a century, and we want to continue that legacy. Our owners, however, only seem to plan for their next fiscal quarter. They are not investing in our newsrooms.

Our journalists have labored for years under increasingly difficult conditions. We intend to reverse that trend. We believe that only a union — formed with the Media Guild of the West, a local of The NewsGuild-CWA — can ensure we get the fair pay and benefits we deserve.

Many of our fellow journalists working in MNG newsrooms across the country have already organized in this way. We at SCNG want to be recognized along with them. We are asking MNG and Alden to recognize our union and to work with us to protect local journalism.

Robert Morales

Bill Plunkett

Eric-Paul Johnson

Jon Paul Hoornstra

Jim Alexander

Kyle Goon

Mike Sprague

Kevin Modesti

Richard Guzman

John Plessel

Jeff Collins

David Rosenfeld

Scott M. Reid

Susan Christian Goulding

Timothy Guy

Kevin Lindsey

Kelli Skye Fadroski

Tyler Evains

Hunter Lee

Brittany Murray

James Williams

Kevin Nikolas

Jennifer Iyer

Ruby Gonzales

Javier Rojas

Daniel Aitken

Jeff Horseman

Dave Werstine

Nikie Johnson

Sean Emery

Alex Groves

Stephanie Stutzman

Teri Sforza

Sara Hoffman

Quinn Wilson

Bill Cizek

Kevin Sablan

Damian Calhoun

Chris Wiley

Steve Fryer

Kurt Snibbe

Jonah Valdez

Elizabeth Chou

Darius Johari

Josh Cain

David Allen

Olga Grigoryants

Bradley Bermont

Pierce Singgih

Hayley Munguia

Emily Rasmussen

Ian Wheeler

Jerry Berrios

Sarah Reingewirtz

Alvan Ung

Lindsey Maeda

Brian Rokos

Brooke Staggs

Dan Albano

Ryan Hagen

Steve Ramirez

Mindy Schauer

Deepa Bharath

Steven Rosenberg

Holly Andres

Eric Licas

Jody Collins

Kristine Malicse

Beau Yarbrough

Watchara Phomicinda

Gilbert Manzano

Terry Pierson

Michael Zavala

Alma Fausto

Nathaniel Percy

Will Lester

Roxana Kopetman

Sandra Barrera

Alicia Robinson

Elliott Teaford

Adam Grosbard

Jeff Fletcher

Mark Whicker


“Our communities depend on good journalism, and good journalism depends on good journalists. Every year we have less of both, but we can fix that together. Unionized, we can ensure that our co-workers keep their jobs, our stories get the time they deserve, and our communities get the journalism they deserve. I support a union because a union supports good journalism.”

— Ryan Hagen, local government reporter

“Newspaper budgets have been slashed in the last decade. When advertising revenue plummets whether from a downturn in the economy or a pandemic, reporters, photographers and copy editors are furloughed or laid off. Organizing is the only way we are going to protect ourselves from the hedge fund guillotine.”

— Jerry Berrios, digital producer

“I grew up in Pasadena, and know how a paper like the Star-News can be an institution in communities. But local news can't survive when newsrooms are gutted, employees are asked to do several people's jobs and reporters don't have a seat at the table to demand accountability from management, just as we as an institution demand accountability from those we cover.”

— Adam Grosbard, sports reporter